Thursday 15 December 2011

Collateral original opening comparisons.

 Our group remade the opening of the film Collateral, starring Tom Cruise and for this task we will be looking at the shots used in the original and comparing it with our own one.

Collateral Original
 This is shot is a medium close up, and there are loads of people in the background which creates a busy atmosphere, and everybody is out of focus, giving more emphasis on Tom Cruises character, indicating he is the main character. He is walking towards the camera. On a storyboard this would be shown with arrows pointing downwards.
once again this shot is a medium close up. As you cans see the man in the front is blurred and the background is blurred except for Jason Statham. This is emphasising on Jason Statham, indicating that he is the main character. He is walking towards the camera, in a storyboard this action would be shown with an arrow pointing downwards.
This shot is a close up on Tom Cruise's face. The frame is down particularly well because the top part of his head is cut off. In addition if he looked up the frame would be following the rule of third because his eyes will be on the top line. He is walking forward. The background is blurred.
This shot has been filmed from a low point of view. the bag has been dropped, in a storyboard the action would be represented with an arrow pointing downwards. We can see a close up on the bag, which is stressing the importance of the bag, making it the main focal point. The background id blurred.
This shot is a medium close up. This shot shows the two men bumping into to one another. in a storyboard this action would been shown with an arrow point at one another but coming form the other persons direction.. The men are in focus, so this shows that they are both equally important, but they are more important then the rest of the people in the background because they are blurred out. Furthermore the medium close of the two men emphasises there relationship and it creates a relationship with the audience because they are quiet close and personal. Moreover it creates a tense atmosphere.  
This shot is a close up however it is an over the shoulder shot. The frame follows the rule of third because his eyes are on the top line of a 3 x3 grid. The reason it is a n over the shoulder shot is that when it comes to the editing process it will make conversation scene.
This shot is a close up however it is an over the shoulder shot. The frame follows the rule of third because his eyes are on the top line of a 3 x3 grid. The reason it is a n over the shoulder shot is that when it comes to the editing process it will make conversation scene.
this shot is a close up on the bag but from a far away distance. This is because you can seen a blur at the top of the screen, which can make out to be a point of view shot.moreover that blur can be someones legs in the foreground passing along to create a busy atmosphere. the close up on the bag emphasises it importance especially when it comes up twice in the footage.
This shot is an extreme close up, however it is an over the shoulder shot. The extreme close up creates a menacing powerful interpretation on Tom Cruise character. This is because his face has been marginalised from his body. 


This shot is a medium close up, the top part of Hasan's head is cut off this a good technical issue of the camera. The background is not as blurred out as the original Collateral. this is because we did not have as much time we would of like to complete the camera task. The background is not as busy as the original due to the people note wanting to be filmed or to the fact that there was not much people out at the time.
This shot is a medium close up. In the background there was people in the background to create busy atmosphere however the people was blurred making the subject and the people in the background have the same importance. We did not use the manual focus button on the camera.  
In this shot this is sort of extreme close up because the top part of Hasan's head is not in the frame. however this could be a close up because we are not on a specific detail on Hasan's face.
This shot is a wide shot, yo can seen the subjects full body and the background. This is not the same as the original as they used a medium close up to rather than their whole body showing.
This shot is a close up of the bag however it is different from the original because it is a slight low angle shot. the shot is used to create an emphasis on the bag.
This shot is an over the shoulder shot. this shot could be better if the side of the subjects face was in the footage more, however when filming it was difficult because we could adjust the height of the camera to suit my height.
This shot is a really good shot. This shot is because you can see the side of Hasan's face. This shot is over the shoulder shot so when it comes to editing it will be a shot reverse shot.
This shot is a close up on the bag. However it is not completely a close up because we can see the legs of the subjects, and it is more on a low angle tilt.
                                     This here is a good shot of the subject walking off we can see the side of his face making it scary as it is a close up to his face.

1 comment:

  1. Really good blog post. I think you name the shots accurately, but you could be a little bit more critical, esp. of the final few - the shots of the bag for instance, ideally they'd be a bit closer so it fills the frame.
