Sunday 11 December 2011

Extension task

1.)He basicialy means that the opening of the film should hook the audience, so the audience feel obliged to watch the rest of the movie and that the audiences attention should be focused on only the film because there are many distractions around.
2.) The risk of "instant arousal" is that if the opening is really strong then the rest of the film wont have no direction because the strength of the opening must stay constant throughout the film, according to Jean Jacques Beinex, the action has to be given regularly so the audience grows with the film.
3.)The opening has to show enough information that the audience gets the jist of the film but at the same time not too much because the audience needs to be curious to find out more information about the film so they are tempted to carry on watching.
4.)A classic opening is when the film starts off with an establishing shot, then a close up of a building, then the camera moves through a window into an office where there is an actor. The opening is good because its giving enough information about the actor such as occupation and it doesn't start the film with too much energy, it just shows an office.
5.)It gets the audience in the right mood by saying how the film is straight away.
6.) Orson Welles was going to do an opening of a film without any music or credits, key conventions of an opening of the film, he wanted to throw the audience in the deep end straight away without giving them any time to prepare themselves. Universeral Studios added credits and music because they were more cautious.
7.)The trick is to open the film with the end, establishing the destination rather than where everything starts off.
8.) The camera chases the car and it gives a view but remaining fixed on that tiny object to tell us the car is being driven to the wrong direction.

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