Monday 6 February 2012

Analysing a Student Thriller

I Just watched a student thriller called 'The Rushes', which had many features which made it quite effective and powerful to watch. 

This is the Student Thriller Film 'The Rushes'

Okay, so firstly the opening starts off with a dark forest-like location, and there is a sound of rustling of leaves and crackling, but this is short-lived as the camera then really fast paced zooms into a a video camera that has been 'left' or 'dropped' in this forest, this camera is recording what is happening. You can also see a car with a light on, this is has been done on purpose, as you can see in the camera that someone is getting in/out of this car.This is an effective start because of the noises, fast pace and the uniqueness of the idea to film another video camera, filming the scene. This gets the audience's pulse running because they are unsure of what is going to happen, was this camera left there on purpose? Was it an accident that it was left there 'recording'? What is happening? What is going on?

you then see the moon from different angels as though it is significant to what is going on... The someone murmurs 'But i don't understand' this is repeated to create a chilling kind of effect because you are unsure what is going on. The camera then zooms in on someones trainers, someones material on their jeans, then you notice that there is a Torch shining and in the light you notice someones hand there is a person lying on the floor. The camera then zooms into someones eye as they open and he looks like he is panicking which gets the audience's heart racing as well. The beat of the sounds starts to get faster as he gets up and goes to reach the camera, the sound then changes and turns into a sound that is incredibly similar to the theme tune of 'Jaws' which immediately makes things creepy and scary like. He gets in the car and drives away and you are able to hear the screeching sound of the car driving away, this create and effect that he is trying to escape, get away. 

You see him then going into what looks like a house kind of, you can hear the sound of what to me sounded like metal rubbing against another piece of metal, its something that makes you think something terrible is going to happen. He then watches the film from the camera, and then the camera sort of skims along the desk indicating scripts from like a film or play that has been types up. Music in the background sounds again very 'Jaws-like' and you can hear someone speaking saying things like 'i don't understand, its your time' 

i think these students came up with a very good idea, it is very Thriller-like and intriguing, however it can come across confusing. I had to re-watch it in order to fully understand what was going on. It is quite a demanding opening sequence and there is alot going on. However they used sounds, props, camera angles and techniques very well. Although it is supposed to be dark in order to make the film effective it is almost too dark in order to see what is going on, therefore it could have been made lighter, to get a better view on the scenes. 

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