Wednesday 1 February 2012

extra work: thriller poster analysis

There are many elements in this poster which suggests that the film is a thriller. For example the tag line "Someone is missing" is placed next to an image of Leo DiCaprio who has a face which suggests that he has a split personality due to the colour contrast, one side is dark and one side is light. This suggests that the film is a Psychological thriller because those 2 factors indicate that he is on a search to find the vigilante type person inside his mind in order to solve a crime.

The island in the poster has a glowing effect on it. This suggest that the island is the main setting for the film and the glowing light emphasizes on the feeling of isolation someone feels when on an island, and this is supported by the picture of the sea which looks rough suggesting there is no escape. This makes the audience think.

Another thing is that the flame from the match is brighter than the lighthouse on the island, this suggests that most of the film would be in the dark and also suggests that the film has a dark theme. And it will give the audience a thrilling experience because theyre most likely to jump if something scary happens in the dark.

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