Thursday 8 March 2012

Skills Audit.

I have learnt a lot in As media during the time whilst making our thriller film, from how to hold the camera to how to use the program final cut pro.

health and safety agreement
* We signed a health and safety form, which was like an agreement, and we know how to use he equipment.

* This was the first weeks of our experience with the camera and and tripods and how to use the high tech equipment. 

Learning how to use the equipment was the foundation bit for starting our thriller.

we learnt how to:
- use the lenses - focus and auto focus - whichever one suits us best
- using the tripod and how to stand it up and make each leg equal.
- slotting in the memory cards - 4 memory cards.
- the batteries - we always got an extra one just incase.


* We learnt about intertextuality, this is when directors "borrow" each others idea's and use it in their films. we watched various thriller trailers and  compared it to each other and saw and gave examples of how each director has borrowed scenes off others and put it into their own film using their own interpretation.

female villan idea

     * we gave ideal idea's for our thriller, each person gave lots of ideas and thoughts for the base of our thriller, we got various ideas ( cannot include it all) but we even took into account of ideas about potatoes.

180 degree rule

green eyed girl idea
We've also learnt about the 180 degree rule, which meant that if one shot was taken on the right side all shots in that scene should be from the right shot, and the characters should be 180 degree's apart.

our interpretation
experts doing sounds
We made our own sounds for our own interpretation but before that we found out that not all sounds on the screen are made then and there they have background people to make extra noises which is then put over there to fit in the scene.
so, then our group made our own interpretation and sounds of our own to put into a practise thriller, so we can have a feel how its like to do this for a real film or thriller.
arlington thriller made my group 2
here is our interpretation, Hasan did the filming, me and rochelle did the sounds, then we uploaded it on final cut pro and then put them together to make our final piece: 

then we made a prelim and made a practise thriller.

and then also evaluated my prelim.

( i did the interview because i was away from my groups prelim)

then we started filming and planning.


<- day one

< - day two

<- day three ( last day of filming)

then we had to a rough cut for our thriller -

and we also got good feedback form our teacher dan

and this is the technical skills behind the scenes on the thriller

i have learnt a lot in media, and a few things are missing from here, however everything is on the blog if anything else needs to be here. i had great fun working with my group and the equipment and technology.

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