Tuesday 17 January 2012

analysing a student thriller - Pulse

The student thriller I have chosen to analyse is Pulse

This is because when i was watching it, it contained elements of suspense and the convention of a thriller starting of slow and getting a climax of an action happening. The different use of camera angles and shot has made it tense and the mise en scene has captured the real life scenario of the woman running. In addition with the Foley sound to enhance the dreaded action that is  about to foreshadow as it delivers the audience to a suspenseful atmosphere.

the newspaper image without the tense atmospheric sound
the newspaper turned a page with tense atmospheric sound
 When studying the sound i noticed that when the newspaper is on the floor there was different sound being played more normal road noise creating a normal day situation. However when the newspaper changes a page, a tense shrill drone appears creating a twist on everyday and suggesting that something bad is about to appear. This is then acknowledge who the victim is by the person running on top of the paper.
They have use a high angle close up on the foot of the person. the high angle creates the idea of vulnerability when she is running. In addition she had stepped on the mans face that suggest that there is a link between the man in the newspaper article and her. they have segmentation her body expressing the vulnerability because they are only showing her foot.

They have used a long shot of the woman running at the back stressing the vulnerability of the woman running alone. In addition along shot is used for the audience to understand why this is happening in the park. This is because stories of being sexually attacked. they have taken a real life scenario and being sensitive when creating the scene.

Throughout her running scene, they have still used the shrill hollow drone in background.

However the sound changes to a more of a pleasant atmosphere when the first name of the opening credits appeared, to more of an upbeat guitar tempo. Suggesting that this music is the motif for this girl as an innocent, free girl, who is unaware what is about to happen.

In terms of editing they have changed the picture scene from the image on the left it is clear after the girl has ran passed it however it the picture scene has changed because it has received a lot of light, the picture on the right. During the editing process they must of changed the brightness. This suggest that the light signifies her life about to end, and the flash is her last memory, or exist her walking pass the wall.

They have used a wide shot of the girl running. To establish her setting where she is going and that there is know one around which stresses his vulnerability. The girl is wearing the fitness attire to suggest that women like these are an easy target.

During the editing process they have used a dissolved transition from the girl running and the man in the newspaper. They have used the transition for the audience to be aware this man will have an impact on the girls life. In addition they use a slow zoom to create the effect that the man in the newspaper is menacing and troubled man.

A slow zoom has been used from the transition on the newspaper to the close up of the mans face.

First scene

Second scene

As well during the editing process they use a slow motion effect, to dramatise the effect of her running pass the man and creating a tense atmosphere because, as, the audience we see that she is running pass the criminal. 

They use a bus stop in the background to imply that this sort of stuff happen everyday and in the usual places. In the next scene the mise en scene shows that this will happen into the park and the children's play area, this is because it signifies the fact that people, like, the man in the newspaper are in local areas where people are vulnerable. the park symbolises the innocents of young children. The park suggest that people are easy targets in this case it is implying that women are easy targets.

When it goes further on the clip the mood changes and then there is motif for when the man enters back on the scene. A shrilling high pitch sound. The sound sounds like and 'arh' and 'eee'. Suggest danger and creates tension.
In this scene the man is walking forward.

They then used and over the shoulder the shot from a high angle to make the man have more power as he has not effected by this, however the girl is vulnerable and is looking up to the eye line match.

They then use a two shot to show the distance between the two of them and it demonstrates the body language. The girl looks awkward and still arms hunch ready to defend herself while the man is standing firm looking directly at her. This is taking part in the woods where there is no light visible and seclude them away from the rest of the world. This suggest that at these uncomfortable encounters no one can help.

The film can be better if Foley sound was used often. The Foley sound can be used when they were running through the forest where there are the sound of hard crunchy leaves. In addition theye should be the sound of the cars when passing onj the road to create a more real life effect. The can add more emphasis when the page is changing on the However it is used when the woman is running on the puddle to eate a more empahsis. The frame is good when it is on the over the shoulder shot, this is because the mans head is taken out at the top. The camera work is bad after the footage when the man is on the swing to create from his persepective. The camera is rocking when it should be going smoothly back and forth as if on the swing. this makes the film low quality. For the mise en scene they should of added more children and families in the play area to create a real life situation. 

The title scene can be better by adding a shuddering effect or a pulsing effect hence the name Pulse.

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