Wednesday 18 January 2012

Target Audience research

The target audience is the group of people your film is attempting to attract, there are many different types of different target audiences. Film posters are designed in such a way that it can attract a specific target audience.
For example:
Toy Story 3 target audience is mainly little children. This can be shown in the font of the text, its big, colourful and the letters overlap each other. As well as that, the word "story" is in front of a red banner, which places emphasis on the word and this is key in attracting little children to the film because little children enjoy listening to stories.

The poster is also bursting with colour which makes it look lively so people wont be put off. The target audience is also those who enjoy a good laugh because at the top it says "breakout comedy of the summer"  and the expressions on the toys face look comical
which can attract people who like comedy too.


 Another example is the Departed, this poster is targeted at adult males, because the font is big and not as interesting as the Toy Story 3 font and the facial expressions upon the characters faces suggests that the film is not for the light hearted. The black background implies that the film is going to have a dark element to it, and this appeals to males more than females.


Thriller movies tend to be for intelectual adults because most of the thriller films contain elements that can challenge the mind and tempt the audience to carry on watching the film in order to solve the mystery which has been imposed. However most thriller sub genres tend to be targeted more towards the male gender such as action thrillers which contain high levels of violence and lots of thrills.
Examples of sub genres targeted at males are The Boune Identity, and the Sentinel. On both of the posters they contain guns which attracts males.

However not all thriller sub genres are targeted at males, there are sub genres which attract more females than males, such as Romantic-Thrillers and Supernatural thrillers, in particular ones with children.These films tend to have less action than other sub genres but are as thrilling as most sub genres.
Films such as He loves me he loves me not and the orphanage are examples of films which are shifted towards females.


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