Monday 30 January 2012


baby-flash-cards-61.jpg (1024×768)MV5BMjA4MzM0NDAzOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMDY3MDYyMQ@@._V1._SY317_.jpg (214×317)CATWOMAN

I have watched catwoman an the film story line was very good. Although  catwoman is an action fantasy film the concept of a cat giving her one of the cats 9 lives for her life when she dies is a very good idea which could be turned into a thriller.

She could be a very good villain in a thriller film despite her reputation for being a good character in all films. This could be a change and make her into a villain. - she dies or is in the jaws of death - cat comes and gives her one of the cats lives in order to save 'catwomans' life.

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