Monday 2 January 2012

Thriller Film analysis

First blog post of 2012 :) , anyway the scene i decided to analyse for my holiday homework is the opening of Gladiator, which has many moments of suspense and thrilling moments. The film starts off with a battle scene, this indicates to the audience that the film is based around wars etc..This is emphasised with the mise-en-scene, the setting of the scene seems to be set in a derelict, isolated place which would be the perfect scene for a battle. The trees in the background have no colour or leaves making them look almost lifeless, this connotes despair and misery.

The colour and lighting of the scene also emphasises on the cold mood as the background is all dull however a dim light is shown on Maximus which indicates to the audience he is one of the main characters to look out for.

Non Diagetic sound is also used extensively in this scene, its a sharp yet dreary tune which is effective in drawing the audiences attention as the non digateic sound emphasises on the tension in the scene.
Diagetic sounds, such as the army preparing their weapons build up the atmosphere in the scene and it connotes all the tension which is accumulating due to the wait before the actual battle.

Tracking shots are used by following the army and showing the atmosphere. This also builds up tension for the audience because when they see the size of the army, they know that something is going to go down. A mid shot of Maximus face shows black marks underneath his eyes, which makes the audience think he is in power due to the stress of the responsibility he has taken on. There is also a medium long-shot of Maximus muscular arm and it zooms onto his hand where he is seen stroking some wheat. This emphasises his gentle nature and indicates to the audience that he is the protagonist.

The Editing of this scene has been used to prevent the film from dragging on and the audience from being bored. For example there is a part where Maximus looks at a robin then there is a straight cut to the robin flying away.
In conclusion the opening of the film engages the audience and tells them about the film and the sounds and costumes used  build up quite allot of tension, which intrigues the audience prompting them to carry on watching the film. The use of camera and mise-en scene is important in this scene because it is key in establishing the mood and the main character.

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