Saturday 28 January 2012

Evaluation of the Prelim


What I really like about are Prelim is how the match cut was embedded in our final clip it looks seamless and un oticeable to the untrained eye.In addition i also liked the mise en scene as we tried are best to make it as an office as possible. This is because we wanted to set the mood of serious situation and we didn't have as much props as we would like to of had. We used a table horizontally, which would be used when two people are having a serious conversation, paper and a pen to make it look like Christina was doing work. However there are a few critisms when we notice the transitions to the different cuts were not that seamless as i would like it to be but as this was a practise we know are faults and have plenty of time to make improvements when it comes to the real filmimg. Another criticisms is that it was too dark in the classroom epecially when it was the wide shot of me and Christina  we should of chose a different room or opened up the blinds more and put the lights on.

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