Monday 30 January 2012

Planning - The narration for our idea: The Run

Our idea has been inspired from the film train-spotting.

Here is are narration to go on top of our footage:

"Sometimes in life you have to run. Not for fear but for life. Running away from your deepest fear is a key success. You see once you’ve done something bad and you have escaped from it you have your life back again, and that’s what I am doing. I’m running. That’s my fella over there, well, was my fella I found out that he cheated on me with my best friend. We were arguing, and arguing… and it so out of control. I just couldn’t believe it, my heart was breaking I felt like he tore it from my chest. He destroyed everything (that) we ever had or (what we) was going to have within a matter of minutes and he didn’t even think twice about and he didn’t even think twice either. How did he think that would make me feel? The person who loved him so much it actually hurts and I’m telling you it did hurt. So I pushed him, I pushed him so hard against that wall, to teach him a lesson to make him pay, to think about what he did, what he did to me! But I pushed too hard, he didn’t open his eyes, he didn’t move his lips, he was so still, so silent, so peaceful, (I’m shouting for help, no one can hear me!)… But he deserved  (LAUGH: HA) look what he did to me, look what she did tom me (ANGRY ARGH!!!) that’s why she is going to pay too, wait and till I find her (SHOUT ARGH) Just wait, she’ll see, she won’t know what’s hit her (UNCONTROLLABLE LAUGHTER – CRAZY LADY) But till know I’m alone, so I’ve got to run, for my life, that’s all I have now, all I have to live for, myself … and revenge!"

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