Monday 9 January 2012

Genre and Sub-Genre

Genre is a category used in artistic material such as in films or in music etc. For example in films there are many types of genres such as Western, Action, Thriller and so on. Genres also offer the audience choice and for the distributors, its good for marketing as it can generate loads of revenue from many different audiences and genres can also provide a structure for merchandise such as toys, games, soundtracks etc.  Genres can be identified by content for example in Western films, they will always have a cowboy, and it can also be identified through various technical areas such as mise en scene.

Sub-Genre means a category within a main category for example the thriller genre has many sub genres such as action-thriller, psychological thriller etc. These sub genres help narrow down the target audience, there are more sub genres targeted at males than females, although romance thrillers such as He loves me, He loves me not and supernatural thrillers such as The Orphanage attracts more females than males.
The sub genre which inspires me the most is Suspense-Thriller because in most of them films, there is a really tense moment which always keeps you interested like in films such as Phone Booth where the whole film is tense. This can influence our film as we want our opening to have the same atmosphere as most suspense-thriller films. 

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