Sunday 29 January 2012

Analysis of a student thriller

The student thriller i have chosen to Analyse is the one called "The List". I think its very good and it successfully builds up tension with many aspects such as music and mise- en-scene.
Mise en scene is used to build up tension in this scene. For example there is mixed lighting throughout the scene, some parts are dark some are light, this connotes good and evil and because its at the beginning of the film, the audience wants to find out which side is the good side and which side is the bad side.
Another aspect of mise en scene is the props used, the biggest kitchen knife is used, a reference to Psycho and the person is seen chopping onions on a chopping board stained with blood. This suggests the person chopping is demented and therefore likely to be an antagonist of the film because nobody in there right mind would chop red onions on a board which is covered in blood. This also suggests that the film has a supernatural element to it because vampires like blood and the person is eating and drinking food with blood stained all over it.
The editing in this scene is slow paced which goes with all the actions in the scene which is very good for building tension throughout the scene, it always makes the audience think what going to happen next.

The sound is also very good at playing with the audience because the non diagetic sounds sound as if they are mixing with one another and in some parts such as the beginning where the cooker is being lit, its almost as if the diagetic sound is in sync with the non diagetic sound. This connotes chaos and it intrigues the audience as they'll probably be wondering what causing the chaos in the first place.

Most of the shot types used are extreme close ups, mainly of things getting slowly sliced or hammered. This places emphasis on the sadistic nature of the person holding the knife and hammer.

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