Thursday 12 January 2012

Title Sequences;

In class today, we watched title sequences from both, thriller trailers and passed AS students trailers aswel. 


We watched a range of different trailers of film openings, and we came across 4 main ways a thriller trailer is introduced or shows the audience a little taster of what the film is about (sets the mood and atmosphere):

- Discrete: seperate film.
- Narrative: Introducing the story in the opening.
- credits over screen: when there is the credits running over the screen over the background of the trailer.
-  Heavily stylised editing: shows different shots and editing motions for more effect.


i thought that the discrete trailer is very effective and it engages the audience into the short story which is related to the film itself. ( the trailer we watched was SE7EN)

i also thought that the editing and the mes-en-scene was good and effective because it was all fast editing. The use of camera shots was very good aswel due to the fact that it was all close ups and it showed every movement clearly.


Personally i think narative openings are very boring and long but it can be effective in many ways, because you get both the credits and the starting of the film. but i think it will be more effective if te editing was better, however i think this it because we watched an olden film that was made in the 1980's (the shining) 


 i think this is only effecive only at the end of the film not the start because credits over screens dominate the background starting of the trailer/ film .

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